The Secret Prison
Published December 20, 2017
#Subtitled #HD #UncensoredJAV godfather level director Kaoru Adachi returns to ZENRA with an extremely bizarre trilogy of titles about a secret prison via DREAMROOM.

The Secret Prison
Part One with English Subtitles
(Continue to Part Two)
(Continue to Part Three)
Kai Miharu finds herself as the latest anonymous woman locked up in ‘unique’ penitentiary. There, she is the centerpiece in increasingly abnormal experiments that end up zapping away her memory. Once she’s a ‘blank slate’ both mentally and physically, the head warden—-a female like herself-—gives her a stark naked rundown of her new prison life and there she learns a horrible truth:
Out of the current 20 prisoners, only 3 may ever see life outside of bars again! What can the fate of the other 17 be?! Or rather, is there a way to break free out of this perverse and unorthodox system?
Miharu learns the hard way that tricking them is not easy. She learns the hard way via punishment. Sometimes these can be doled out in simply ways as taking away her uniform leaving her naked amongst her clothed inmates. Sometimes she also may have hygienic supplies withheld when she needs them the most. And other times it could be surprise irrumatio from brusque guards.
And sometimes it can be much worse...
-Translated and touched up blurb for today’s update.
We at ZENRA always try to conclude and commence each year with 'breakthrough' titles: movies that have extra oomph. Movies that raise eyebrows. Movies that are just...extraordinarily unique in ways that goes well beyond the norm. With THE SECRET PRISON, a trilogy of updates (!) produced by DREAMROOM and directed by Kaoru Adachi, the godfather of bizarre JAV, we struck gold.
You can kinda-sorta consider THE SECRET PRISON to be the successor, but *not* sequel to THE WARD OF DARKENED ILLUSIONS. After all, both are directed by the same person and both are knee deep in an occult, otherworldly vibe. Both also contain some really weird monologues that admittedly did not make our jobs as subtitlers any easier. What THE SECRET PRISON may lack in total lines of subtitled dialog it makes up for in droves with some pretty arcane vocabulary. For this update at least, the WWWJDIC was a lifesaver!
Since we went ahead and also translated the official blurbs for each of THE SECRET PRISON'S three parts, we'll try not to reiterate the comings and goings of this strange title. It's definitely a...unique story though we did honestly feel at times the editing made what was going on somewhat hard to follow. It really did feel like this cumulative 180 minute release originally had a lot more footage that was cut for some reason; some scenes seemed to start mid-action and even a momentous anal sex encounter lasted less than 10 minutes.
Furthermore, a sexual interrogation scene where you think each of the half dozen inmates would have a go with the guards only ended up featuring one and it was very, very brief. We're not sure exactly what went on here with the editing, but even though we do prefer quality over quantity, a slightly more fleshed out release would have been appreciated by pretty much anyone.
Editing nitpicks aside, THE SECRET PRISON is a movie that has a ton of very cool things going for it. On top of anal sex, there's a boatload of extra anal play as well. Lesbian sex which almost never occurs in most of the uncensored updates we've shown happens here on multiple occasions and it's *glorious*.
There even are ample amounts of CMNF and ENF encounters where you see a sole stark naked prison inmate amongst clothed wardens. It's a fantastic visual juxtaposition that we're sure many a viewer will enjoy and watch again and again in increasingly advanced states of pleasure.
"Can you please show more titles like this without mosaic?" is something we're almost certainly going to be asked and we'll answer here in the review: we would if there were any! These types of hyper bizarre titles shown sans censorship are extremely rare. DREAMROOM did this one, WARD OF DARKENED ILLUSIONS, and a few more back some years ago and it's been total radio silence since then. Most likely they cost too much and didn't perform as well as straight-forward sex outings do. Hell, THE SECRET PRISON's credits boasted a production staff numbering 20 (!) which for an uncensored release is the equivalent of an actual legion and it's still a big crowd even for a higher-end censored update.
Kaoru Adachi is still actively directing for V&R though his forte is mainly the types of movies we are unable to show at ZENRA as certain types of bodily function movies are considered too mature for western viewers (mild bit of sarcasm here!). He's been directing JAV for almost as long as I've been alive and going by how animated he was when I met him last year, I'm sure he has a lot more fire burning in the furance. Now would he like to direct more titles like THE SECRET PRISON? He just may...
Lines of Subtitled Dialog: 241
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The Secret Prison
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