Subtitled CFNM Japanese Penis Teasing
Published September 7, 2004
#Subtitled #ClassicJAVA huge group of rowdy Japanese schoolgirls engage in a display of CFNM and penis teasing like no other long with with amateur interviews with subtitles.

Chinpo Teasing Gakuen There are good schools in Japan that feature hard-working students who have paid their dues and them some by spending countless hours studying for exams and maintaining solid grades. Then there are schools that aren't so nice. These colleges are easier to get into, may not feature the same standard of education, and the student body quality is well...lacking intellectually. However, what it might lack in brain power it makes up for in the physical attributes of its party-loving Japanese female schoolgirl students. In the next few movies of the Chinpo Teasing Gakuen series (“Chinpo” and “Gakuen” being the Japanese words for penis and students respectively), we see these incredibly outgoing fun-loving Japanese schoolgirls take over classrooms, pools, trains, and more as they get their male counterparts be it shy students and teachers alike to strip naked so they can examine their once-private cocks in the electrifyingly intensive way that hyper Japanese girls are known to do. In this edition of Chinpo Teasing Gakuen, we are met by a horde of cute Japanese female students and their not-impressive-in-any-way teacher in a subway car. Already talking loquaciously amongst themselves, things began to take on a naughty edge as soon as other commuters leave the train car (be it in disgust with the noise pollution or simply because they have arrived at their destination is a story for another day!) and it isn't long before they start physically groping their shy and introverted male teacher. As the groping becomes more and more sexual, they begin to plea in unison to get him to remove his clothes to which he eventually complies to their elated delight and exposes his small cock. Laughing, each girl plays with it by twirling it around in their fingers and are amazed that it actually can get hard—and it does! Due to this sudden and unexpected change of events—a teacher that is aroused by his students has truly baffled these outrageous schoolgirls—they make him remove the rest of his clothes and begin playing with his most private regions in earnest. Their play goes from light hands on stroking to an incredible treble blowjob as one of the schoolgirls takes his shaft in her experienced mouth while two others lick and suck him from the sides all the while the rest of the Japanese schoolgirls surround them while sensually caressing the deliriously horny teacher's nipples and midsection and cheering for him to hurry up and finish in the mouth of the waiting fellator. As you can imagine, the one-in-a-lifetime experience of a huge group of naughty Japanese schoolgirls doing nearly every sexual thing possible to you at the same time while in a public place may well be one of the seven wonders of the sexual world (or at least a runner since all the girls are still unfortunately clothed) and this poor teacher doesn't last much longer before ejected steamy semen into schoolgirl heaven. Later on we are greeted by the same group of rambunctious female Japanese schoolgirls again and this time they are in the middle of a human art class offered at their university. Today, for the first time ever, they will be putting their artistic talents into full force by sketching a live model. A live naked male model to be precise. Fortunately for them and unfortunately for the model who is doing this for the first time, he has a severely difficult problem keeping his manhood flaccid. To make matters worse, many of the cute schoolgirls keep their focus solely on his most private areas and a few even lean into close to get a good look that leaves them so close to his cock that he can feel air from their mouths flying past it like a welcome spring breeze. The combination of all these erotic female eyes staring at his penis are just too much and he loses control and to the delight of these artists-in-training, his cock goes from a limp six-o'clock to a respectable four-o'clock and eventually hits a commanding 2:30. At this point, the pencils and pads go down and just like the (un)lucky teacher in the subway from before, he will have a new sexual renaissance in the span of a single college period all thanks to these naughty schoolgirls and their poignant penis fetish. In the final scene, we actually at long last get to see the glorious sight of all these horny schoolgirls in their birthday suits as it takes place in the communal onsen that this college offers. However, this is a smaller school thus there is no separate section for men and woman. That being said though, this school operates on a time system where male students and staff can use it at certain times whereas females have access at other times. These schoolgirls don't really care about time systems and to the delight (or fear) of a shy and most likely 'cherry boy' ('cherry boy' is a Japanese phrase for a male virgin), they swarm into the onsen naked as can be and begin washing up. This shy male student is literally frozen solid in fright and due to his immobile state, for a good few minutes, he goes unnoticed by these stark naked bathing Japanese beauties. Soon enough, he needs to breathe and his expulsion of CO2 was audible enough for this garrulous group of naked schoolgirls to get wind of his presence (no pun intended) and just like the teacher on the subway and the nude art model, his naked body has become the sexual plaything of these adventurous and very naughty Japanese schoolgirls. SUBTITLED DOWNLOAD - 1 2 |
A Study of the Penis by Innocent Girls with Kissing The origins of the CFNM (clothed female naked male) genre are highly debated. Some say that its beginnings can be traced to for-ladies strip clubs and bachelorette parties for women on the way to being betrothed; one last time to let it all unwind and go crazy with all her best girlfriends while watching scantily clad (or totally naked) well-built male strippers strut their stuff and then some. In Japan however, both bachelor and bachelorette parties unfortunately do not exist. Hell, even strip clubs as they function in the west are a rarity outside major cities (and those usually only attract western customers or Japanese businessmen with a western leaning mindset). With the Japanese, CFNM is usually associated with exploration. More specifically, exploration of a naked male body through the POV (point of view) of a shy Japanese girl and her girlfriends as well if she is too timid to go through it alone. Outside of work, most Japanese girls don't have much experience with the opposite sex. In fact, most dating occurs almost exclusively via the company stock or through introductions from friends. Thus, their real world hands on experience is direly lacking. An answer to that is the roaming CFNM studio van that can be found criss-crossing the major metropolitan districts of the main Japanese islands. Innocent and naïve Japanese girls who have never been in an adult production—true amateurs--are taken right off the streets, plopped into this van, and are about to receive a very real crash course in the art of pleasuring a naked male. Some girls go in solo while others go with friends but their reactions and the outcum at the end is always the same: we first see these shy girls take a seat and through an announcer who is not filmed, we and her are given a description of what will about to occur. Specifically, a naked male volunteer will join her in the room and she is strongly encouraged to examine him to her heart's content. If she doesn't start her physical examination soon enough however, our model will begin for her (!). As we can see, most of these cute and very innocent Japanese girls lock up when viewing their first anonymous cock and many of these horny volunteers at first result to pumping themselves inches away from the shocked amateur's face until she hesitantly starts to lightly pat the tip of his pulsing hardon. From there, a weight is slowly taken off her shoulders and she (or them if they are in a group) gradually explore more and more of this lucky nudist volunteer's exposed anatomy by at first lightly stroking his manhood followed by a guided tour of his tightening sack and a few even go further and massage his taint. Soon enough though, the naked male volunteer(s) hands the Japanese amateur a thin, clear glass panel and encourages her to hold it upright in front of his about-to-burst cock while pumping even faster. The inevitable quickly happens and he ejaculates multiple squirts of his hot, sticky semen onto the panel and the girl's reaction is uniquely Japanese. If CFNM ever needed to be added to a dictionary (and I'm sure it has by now!), then this would be textbook CFNM: A shy, clothed Japanese girl face to face with a naked male and his hard cock. SUBTITLED DOWNLOAD - 1 2 3 4 |
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Subtitled CFNM Japanese Penis Teasing
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