Ayu Sakurai in Relentless Reckless Neverending Gokkun
Published November 28, 2015
#Subtitled #Exclusive #ClassicJAVAyu Sakurai with an extremely erotic body matched by an all out enthusiasm for proper gokkun displays her extreme devotion to swallowing by RASH.

Ayu Sakurai in Relentless Reckless Neverending Gokkun
with English Subtitles
Read an English-translated interview with AYU SAKURAI!
GOKKUN titles are tough. We don't mean this from a subtitling standpoint. In terms of captioning, these kinds of titles aren't necessarily easier nor harder than any other. However, you really, REALLY need extreme amounts of charisma to maintain the interest of connoisseurs of swallowing for two hours and in spite of the Japanese AV pool always being quite full, only a few talented women can truly pull it off.
Remember now, GOKKUN titles generally contain NO sex. You may see some nudity from the actress, these types of productions are more about what comes after an explosion rather than the adventure leading up to it.
RASH chose wisely when selected they vivacious, sporty, and magnificently erotic AYU SAKURAI to be their next person of note in their ongoing series of gokkun movies. Until working on today's update, RELENTLESS RECKLESS NEVERENDING GOKKUN, (and yes metal-heads, we do hide references to the best genre of music in the world throughout ZENRA!) we did not know much about AYU SAKURAI.
Even when previewing the movie after RASH mailed it over to us, we weren't sold just yet. Sure, she's cute and chirpy, but can she handle gokkun? We really wondered this and this was part of the reason why we did not first show this release to commence our relationship with one of Japanese AV's founding fathers, RUSHER MIYOSHI.
This is a title he's incredibly fond of and it shows. It includes some of the scenes previous gokkun releases by RASH have along with a few new ideas. It's also nearly twenty minutes longer clocking in just under 140 minutes without any filler!
AYU SAKURAI has so much charisma that the running time was extended for what appeared to be an extra scene unique in its combination of S&M and blowjob-themed gokkun. In particular, the second portion of this scene (#5 in the streaming and download links) featured a highly seductive and stark naked AYU demurely sitting in a perfect seiza position (legs folded under knees) with a mien well into submissive territory. Her natural charisma was bottled up during the fellatio, but she couldn't stay that way for long and when we finally arrived at gokkun time, well...you'll see.
Another choice scene was an outdoor POV fantasy helmed by RUSHER MIYOSHI himself. AYU SAKURAI played a college senior interviewing for a job at a strange door-to-door sales company. Apparently her position involved meeting customers at home and providing them with blowjobs. The gokkun portion, however, was not performed in their homes. Rather, RUSHER had her walk back outside with a full mouth and perform everyone's favorite sticky-throat swallowing right out in public! Granted, it was an overcast day with on-and-off rain, but gokkun in public is certainly ambitious.
We mentioned earlier that AYU SAKURAI has something of an erotic body and we really do mean it. She has eroticism down to a T...or an E...whatever. Does she has the largest breasts in the industry? Nope. Best butt? Nope again. Longest legs? Nope thrice. However, what she has is a body that she knows how to carry and display to the best of her ability and also knows just how to position herself to ooze salaciousness in a way we rarely ever see. The nude scenes in RELENTLESS were topnotch and AYU's time as a nurse featured some professional-level facesitting where she instructed the patient to gokkun down her juices.
The total running time for this production actually is closer to 5 hours (!). This was such a special release for RASH that they decided to include a special 3 hour feature co-hosted by AYU SAKURAI about RUSHER MIYOSHI"s extensive GOKKUN HISTORY. The first half features some of his early work from the 1990's (or earlier!) and the second half contains assorted clips from the RASH label. We will be showing the first part sometime in the future subtitled in English for our GOKKUN-loving ZENRA subscribers!
A Message to subscribers and also potential subscribers: this movie is labeled as an Exclusive release because this is the first official presentation of it outside of Japan. We would like to know your impressions of this production. Did you like it? Did you not? Your feedback is truly appreciated as it can help us decide the best possible Japanese adult video entertainment for you from here on out. Don't be shy and please feel free to contact us with your thoughts!
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Ayu Sakurai in Relentless Reckless Neverending Gokkun
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