All comments of User Senior Ranger
Big Dick Energy — or Comedy?
This video is more akin to the picaresque novel than it is to adult sex entertainment. A roguish buffoon corrals pairs of "women with offspring" [comment software forbids the actual term used in the title] on the street and financially incentivizes them into his “studio” (storage closet?) to answer questions about the sex, of lack of it, in their lives. After a few softball questions (How often do you have sex? Is a big dick better?) he proudly flops his big dick (seven inches, about an inch longer than the general average) on the table in front of them.
He quickly cajoles then into touching it to make a comparison with dicks of their husbands, and it doesn’t take much more coaxing before they’re both sucking and fucking. Rogue that he is, he creampies them (fake, of course – a rubber is evident at one point despite the pixelation) them. All good fun. As typical in the picaresque form, this is as much about satire and humor as anything.
Each scene takes about 20 minutes, and as the description suggests, it gets repetitive; the same scenario exactly in all five segments. Here’s a quick look at each one:
Scene One
Two knee-buckling beauties open this — as beautiful as any women I’ve ever seen. What they did not spend on a fancy set they must have put into costuming. Expensive and stylish clothing, including undies; far in excess of anything you’d expect with ordinary housewives out for an afternoon stroll. The clothing almost makes these two look waifish. Perhaps the funniest line in the whole video happens after he coaxes his dick into one woman’s mouth, and he says, “Have as much as you like.” But the giveaway of the whole movie happens at 10:20 of this scene — a focus on one woman gazing longingly at him as her friend sucks his dick. That bit of acting should not be missed — or overlooked.
Scene Two
Again, two beauties, one with that studious look, wearing eyeglasses. As soon as Ms. Eyeglasses touches the dick, she suddenly gets a call from her husband and flees the scene, never to be seen again. But the first woman more than makes up for it. If you’re looking for sexual excitement in this video, this is the scene to see. This woman has small, very cute tits and extraordinary wantonness. She WANTS to suck and fuck!! And she has perhaps the most flawless body I’ve seen in all of JAV, not a single blemish or defect of any sort. She is a pleasure to watch.
Scene Three
These two women look more like normal housewives, and their performances are mediocre at best. More than overwhelmed by the rogue’s buffoonery, they simply appear stupefied.
Scene Four
Again, more normal looking housewives. One has a pussy with what appears to be very attractive hair. Wish I could see it! The other woman gets a bit wanton, and manages to say while getting fucked: “It feels so good I can’t handle it.”
Scene Five
They did not save the best for last as these are probably the least attractive (still good though). One has big tits and an attractively hairy pussy. The other is a chubby, if that’s something you like.
While the video is akin to a novel in form, it only makes it as a sexual entertainment video. Shortcomings abound (the silly set, for one). The title references “women with offspring” yet most of the women claim no offspring. Also, there’s not a wedding ring to be seen. It reminds me of a vid I commented on a while back “Married Life Investigation - Is the Dick Of Your Husband Too Tiny?” That one followed a similar pattern although it took each of 10 women individually instead of in pairs. The benefit of pairs is the actresses can play off one another, the downside is that only one can be fucked at a time. The older video satisfied one of my greatest fantasies when one of the women asked the guy if she could come back and get fucked every week. No such wantonness was evident in this later one.
-edited by admin
Yen Talks
This video asks the question, “If the Yen was right, would you fuck ________?” In four different scenes, four different women reluctantly answer, “Yes.”
Scene One
Pretty woman, and she seems very nice and amiable. Her nipples are VERY cute. Sadly, she has an unsightly and off putting rash on her ass. She also seems very weak as she tires badly going up stairs — and her arm gets weak jerking off a dick. Very strange.
Scene Two
A genuinely “matronly” woman with a good body, no obvious flaws. She never got into the sex, seeming just to endure it for the sake of the dollar. At one brief moment near the end she looked like she might be into it, but that faded quickly. The male is energetic, and if I were a woman, I’m not sure I’d want him jackhammering me like that!
Scene Three
A realistic looking middle-aged woman with splendid tits. If you only see one scene, this one is it. It’s a pleasure watching her so genuinely enjoy the dick. She also has a near perfect set of legs. The male is one of the best looking actors I’ve seen, very suave and sophisticated looking. I could see him in a James Bond role. This woman is tidy. I always watch closely when women remove pantyhose. The untidy ones quickly pull them off inside out so when they put them back on they need to be turned out. The tidy ones carefully pull them off so they can slip right back in without fuss.
Scene Four
This woman looks like a grandmother, and she probably is. No further comment as the whole scenario is beyond my ken.
In response to ZENRA's comment
JAV Star Auditions Gone Wrong First HalfYes, you said that in the description. I don't watch JAV for the office environments and color shading. I want to see enthusiastic sex and often bizarre settings and scenes. I suspect I'm in the majority, and that's why they abandoned this idea.
Flimsy or Funny?
I can’t tell if this video is intended to be a funny parody or is simply a weak premise gone wrong. Either way, it’s basically some lame, vanilla sex and nothing more.
Two women go to an audition(?) job interview(?) at an adult video production company. The junior is looking for a career and her accompanying senior is there for support or legal reasons or just to watch — who knows? The whole video can be summed up in one sentence. The junior woman, the starlet hopeful, is too embarrassed to masturbate. She wants to star in adult sex videos, yet she’s a prude who cannot touch her pussy in front of three men.
The video is essentially the coaxing of the junior woman to do something sexual while the senior woman is so turned on by it all that her sexual hunger erupts in a bonfire, consuming all the dick she can get her hands on. After that, there is no resolution — no indication of job offers or declines; they simply go off to take a shower.
I have to cast one vote for flimsy, given the general incompetence. For example, one woman sucks a dick, gets a mouthful of cum, shows it off — and then the camera goes to a shot of the other woman fucking! Did she swallow the cum? Did she spit it out? Did she snowball with the guy who treated her to it? Only the people who made this video will ever know!
For me, the funniest part of the video is the beginning. Three old men in proper business suits sit around doing nothing. Presumably they are the company execs who will do the “interview” and judging. A male assistant comes into the room to announce that the two women are ready to be interviewed. One of the old men berates the assistant for not wearing a suit. “Where is your suit?” he bellows. And the transgression passes with that famous Japanese cure all, “It can’t be helped.”
I’ve recently been watching Rei Mizuna in a video where she lusts for rough face fucking — so this video and its amateurish prodding of a woman to masturbate and eventually have vanilla sex is frankly boring. I definitely won’t be seeing the second half.
-lightly edited by admin
Careful What You Ask For!
Most men would think it was a dream to simply lie down naked and have four women play with his dick and balls until he blew a load all over them. Here in Orgasm Hell, it’s more a nightmare.
There is almost no opportunity in the real world for women to be able to play with a dick on their own terms, with zero commitment of any sort. Any dick they touch will usually carry a quid pro quo — the expectation of a blow job at least and most likely a fuck. And while touching dicks can be fun, even empowering, most women aren’t going to do it given the price they usually have to pay. That’s why I love these sorts of videos — they give women total license to toy with dicks as they please. One of my all time favorite videos is based on this theme — and is available at Zenra. Title is The Penis Cafe.
In this Orgasm Hell video, women not only get free reign on a man’s dick, they force him to pay a price. And if you've ever had your sensitive dick vigorously stroked just after cumming, you know how high that price can be. It’s all fun and games until the man cums, but these four women at his dick don’t let go — they hang on and keep jerking until he cums again! That would not be my idea of fun.
There are different men in each of the three scenes. In two of them, the men are passive, almost lifelessly bland. They don’t do a whole lot of reacting — either to they joy or the pain. The third man is a lot more fun, and he makes it obvious how unpleasant it is to have his dick stroked after he cums. He movies mightily to get away, but really, how many men are going to want to get away?
The women are adequate and they seem to enjoy themselves, and that’s really the whole point for me. Only downsides for me are the endless nipple play and the spit. I hate seeing women playing with men’s nipples, but with four women, what else is there to do? He’s only got one dick. Some folks probably see spitting on a dick to lube it as erotic, all I see is the introduction of a bacteria-laden substance into an already vulnerable act. There’s a whole industry out there dedicated to far more safe and effective sexual lubricants.
-lightly edited by admin