Appreciation for Busty Hikaru Hoshikawa
Published August 30, 2017
#Subtitled #ClassicJAVHikaru Hoshikawa who should have been a household name by now is featured in this quirky GUTS release about big breasts on perfect bodies.

Appreciation for Busty Hikaru Hoshikawa
with English Subtitles
We've never heard of HIKARU HOSHIKAWA until we decided to work on this quirky release by GUTS. It was totally random as is the case for most of our Wednesday updates (we simply note it's time to work on a title by them and somewhat randomly pick one out) and we're very thankful fate had us select this voluptuous body release for today's ZENRA update.
APPRECIATION FOR THE BUSTY HIKARU HOSHIKAWA is not exactly a document AV release, but it's not really an JAV star vehicle one either. The scenes are random and playful with some bizarre comedy thrown in here and there. We'll say it early and be frank: HIKARU is not a great actress. She may be the possessor of a truly supernal body, but we sure as heck hope she has no plans of ever making a career in the performance arts outside of the leg-spreading type.
The second scene where elements of debt payback and drama were fused together came off as a bit weird, but visually...'JAPAN'. We're referring to the overtly long big breast experimentation portion where HIKARU's moving company coworker got to use various devices on her chest in a way that's reminiscent of someone with no laboratory experience going to town while the professor's out.
Overall APPRECIATION played off on some of the topics HIKARU mentioned in the interview in the first scene. Though even then the campiness and weirdness was evident as halfway through she began to be fondled from behind while being asked to tell scary stories (that in itself requires lots of explaning and it will make more sense if you sit through the interview!). Come to think of it, pretty much every scene in today's update had something a bit bizarre going for it. Good bizarre mind you and nothing too out there or even close to being off-putting.
Chikan even makes an appearance in this title's second half though it's totally and extremely simulated. Sorry for those who rather see a cute Japanese woman fondled on a real train, that's something that's awfully hard to make happen.
Although our initial meeting with HIKARU HOSHIKAWA was full of dialog, it pretty much tapered out afterwords. We were pretty surprised as she gave off a really loquacious vibe and we figured that she'd continue it as the play intensified. That sadly was not the case. If anything, the more aroused we saw HIKARU, the quieter (aside from moaning) she became. Considered we're a site all about subtitles, this may be annoy some viewers, but dialog count is something we don't factor in when picking out titles to license. In fact for our GUTS releases, we were offered to license out their entire library which we did almost sight unseen.
There are a few updates planned from this 'big breast' series. We showed one around a month ago and HIKARU and friends will be joined by more slightly larger-than-average Japanese woman of the aughts in future updates. We're aware that this series can in no way be considered new releases, but we feel 'classic JAV' titles such as them should not be forgotten. Most of our Wednesday updates will be titles from this era--fondly known in industry circles as the Golden Age of JAV.
Lines of Subtitled Dialog: 346
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Appreciation for Busty Hikaru Hoshikawa
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