Noa Eikawa - The Schoolgirl Who Cannot Get Enough of You
Published June 10, 2017
#Subtitled #HD #Exclusive #VRVirtual Reality begins with WAAP in a title all about two Japanese students doing something entirely indecent after the final period has ended.

Noa Eikawa - The Schoolgirl Who Cannot Get Enough of You
with English Subtitles
Welcome to ZENRA's first ever VR update!
Although the technology has been used in western adult video for a couple of years now (barely), it really only kicked into gear in Japan starting in 2016. Now however, various makers are really starting to treat it less as an experimental technology and more as a newfound medium of 'full immersion' adult entertainment.
Starting with today's update, NOA EIKAWA in THE SCHOOLGIRL WHO CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF YOU, we'll be showing VR movies on a regular basis. Initially the plan is one title very other Saturday, but depending on demand and popularity, we may increase our output even more.
Please note that as of writing this, ZENRA is one of the few English-language sites with legal rights to show Japanese AV VR content. We know there is an increased demand for this and using auto-translators and digital-only credit cards to navigate sites such as Afesta can be a major hassle. We hope our increased offerings can make that practice a thing of the past!
THE SCHOOLGIRL WHO CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF YOU will be the first of many VR updates produced by WAAP. They're pushing out a few each month and we intend to show most of them in production order so our apologies for not randomizing the updates (assuming you're a fan of that).
VR is still in its nascent phase so expect titles that mainly put you in the mostly supine and altogether quiet actor's seat. That and due to expensive recording technology leading to shorter scenes is the only major drawbacks we've seen to VR. AV actors hopefully will be able to take on more active roles as the technology matures. We also hope to see more variance in themes as regardless of studio, the output still is not taking that many risks. Imagine a VR title that puts you in the shoes of a juice man at an active bukkake shoot! *We know* this is something WAAP can do! After all, they are the creators of the famous Dream Shower series. It's just a case of putting two-and-two least we think so.
Now about today's update: NOA EIKAWA is only 19 years old and still is extremely active in AV. As our VR updates are still brand new releases even in Japan, the actresses in them are mostly fresh-faced and very active with their fanbases. We honestly don't know too much about NOA, but going by her videography, she's working hard with almost a hundred titles to her name in a career that's not even two years old.
THE SCHOOLGIRL WHO CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF YOU is a POV title with simple execution: you are a student as is Noa. You're stuck in class doing homework as is she. Nobody wants do to homework, but both parties are horny thus foreplay, licking, sucking, and more just short of actual sex.
Although mosaic is thickening once again (sigh...), we found it extremely thin in this title. In fact, while working on it in our subtitling program, we actually thought the title was uncensored due to how thin the pixelation was with the resolution cut in half. This actually is a concern of censored studios and since AV makers prefer to be on the safer side of the law, the mosaic thinning phenomenon has taken a hit. However, if history is accurate, it will only be temporary.
Lines of Subtitled Dialog: 55
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Noa Eikawa - The Schoolgirl Who Cannot Get Enough of You
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