Rio Hamasaki Featuring Director Toru Muranishi - Real Deal Creampie Showtime
Published August 25, 2019
#Subtitled #Exclusive #ClassicJAVThanks to the hit streaming drama series, Toru Muranishi has quickly became the most popular JAV director and here he is doing what he does best via MOBSTERS.

Rio Hamasaki Featuring Director Toru Muranishi - Real Deal Creampie Showtime
Translation and Timing by Patonyan
99% of the time when we plan updates at ZENRA, we do so many, many, *MANY* months in advance. It's the way we can constantly provide high quality English subtitled JAV to the masses without any gaps in our schedule. No one would want to see updates become sporadic. Still, there are times when perhaps due to some global trend or surprise hit TV show, we need to quickly volte-face and push out a release way out of schedule.
That leads us to today.
Currently a massive hit in Japan, THE NAKED DIRECTOR is a comedic docudrama (more humorous antics, less documentary) about director Toru Muranishi's days as a poorly performing English encyclopedia salesman who through some unique twists and turns enters Japan's nascent world of adult video. I highly recommend anyone with a Netflix account to check out this series. Sure, on one hand, it's immensely dramatizing his life for the sake of entertainment (I really doubt that police chase scene happened as it was shot), but it does a pretty good job of showing the broad strokes of how JAV came into being in the 1980's. One episode (4, I think) even showed the creation of NEVA, the first 'Ethics company' that reviews content to ensure the mosaic is correctly applied (though in reality, NEVA was actually formed in the 70's).
TORU MURANISHI is a great example of someone who has taken his passion by the reigns and just keeps on going. His life really is full of some surprising twists and turns, rises and declines in fortunes, and a truly unshakable core. This is a guy who when slammed down (happens often), gets right back up and keeps going. THAT part of THE NAKED DIRECTOR is dead accurate. This guy is a true fighter, a true visionary, and really, really loves the beauty that is sex.
I'm not sure how active he has been in the JAV production side of things recently, but as it turns out, we did license a movie he starred in (as an on-screen director, not actor) via MOBSTERS filmed admittedly about a decade ago. As it features him doing what he does best alongside RIO HAMASAKI, an actress who alongside MOMOKA NISHINA may have the best pair of breasts EVER, we had to get this title translated and online as soon as possible. It's only now that THE NAKED DIRECTOR is picking up steam in the west and we're sure many are interested in seeing the real TORU MURANISHI in his natural environment.
The way he's presented in THE NAKED DIRECTOR during filming is very well done. The actor who plays him got his mannerisms down solid. Even that goofy whistle idea is based on reality. You see, TORU believes due to things like pesky mosaic, users may have issues figuring out when the actress is about to climax. Thus, he gives her a whistle and tells her to blow it once when it feels good, twice when it feels really good, and thrice when she's cumming. So yes, goofy before the camera rolls, but surprisingly effective during the shoot itself.
This SHOULD be a review for REAL DEAL CREAMPIE SHOWTIME, but here I am 500+ words in still talking about TORU MURANISHI with only a passing summary of RIO HAMASAKI's chest size. The title itself features some great humor thanks to T.M. along with super thin mosaic and the unique angles MOBSTERS is known for. This time around there's no gangbang, but the creampies are all real. Compared to other titles, this one features a lot of dialog mainly in the form of TORU MURANISHI giving lots of tips to prospective actors. RIO looks fantastic from all angles and gosh, if she's married today, her husband may be one of the luckiest men on earth.
Just how like how the Mormons advertised their religion during in THE BOOK OF MORMON playbills ("You've seen the play, now read the book"), we think those who are fans of THE NAKED DIRECTOR will get a kick of seeing the real TORU MURANISHI showing off what he's best known for in a production with zero fakery that stars one of the most beautiful JAV stars of her era. Enjoy this special bonus update and we'll soon return to our regular programming.
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Rio Hamasaki Featuring Director Toru Muranishi - Real Deal Creampie Showtime
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