Mixed Sauna Erections Spotted by Busty Amorous Women
Published August 22, 2022
#Subtitled #HD #ExclusiveFeaturing Shiori Tsukada in her prime--joking, as this is a woman who keeps getting better. Rocket shows us why mixed saunas never became a thing in Japan.

Mixed Sauna Erections Spotted by Busty Amorous Women
Timing and Translation by ZENRA
I may have made a fraught discovery and need to air my grievance against nearly all JAV studios for such an unfathomable oversight: it seems like in spite of being active for close to a decade, the JAV industry has only in the last year or so realized SHIORI TSUKADA has an amazingly huge and perfect butt. Perhaps due to the trend of adult 'influencers' and a certain celebrity whose name has a K in it, big butts are now in and thankfully the few, the brave, and the buxom down south Japanese women can finally be proud of having plus-sized derrieres. Sadly, in today's update which overall is pretty darn good, there is a drastic shortage of SHIORI's back-end on display. Shame!
Aside from that nitpick (and one more I'll get to in a bit), ROCKET did well here with producing MIXED SAUNA ERECTIONS SPOTTED BY BUSTY AMOROUS WOMEN. Make no mistake, placing SHIORI and NIINA NISHIMURA together was a wise choice; they have had a history of working together even at this time and both have the chops necessary to keep on achieving greatness (even NIINA remains active today though is experiencing a HARUKI SATOU-type of body transformation my libido can't proudly tip its hat to). Their pairing kicked things off nicely though the buildup to the type of play we all were eager to see took a bit longer than ideal. This is rectified in the following scene starring two other actresses who have perfect bodies for this type of movie, but neither had the staying power of the aforementioned duo.
ROCKET was smart to film something involving mixed gender saunas because these do actually exist. And if rumors (or certain types of image searching at least), clothing is optional. Of course, this type of happening certainly falls under the "don't bother attending if you can't keep your arousal in check" nudist colony guidelines which in JAV Land of course are totally thrown out the window for no holds barred reverse threesome sex. With no other customers in attendance and women who are well...amorous, this type of activity is to be expected. Hats off to ROCKET again from start to finish because not only do we get nearly nonstop nudity from the get-go, both scenes conclude with real cumshots for a welcome change.
The sex itself is a bit short when you consider each scene runs about an hour. 15 to 20 minutes at most almost shoehorned in at the end. A good deal of the play leading up to it focused almost too much on the women rubbing their large breasts all over the sole male bathers. This is nice, but the amount of time allotted for it was overkill to be honest. Also, I hate to let image affect my judgment, but I didn't care for either of the actors: the first had the worst teeth I've ever seen in JAV. I truly wonder if this guy normally even brushes them. They're atrocious to the point of being distracting and this is why I bring it up as it could detract from trying to enjoy the production. His counterpart in the second scene was better, but also should serve as the poster boy/man of why tanning too much as one ages is a bad, bad thing. Hygiene is my biggest sticking point when it comes to performers of all genders. Some may be blessed with supernal looks, but anyone has the ability to take care of themselves.
Lines of Subtitled Dialog: 803
4 Files 4.47GB
Production Quality
Overall Satisfaction
+Voluptuous women made use of near perfectly.
+Unique theme that's easily repeatable if ROCKET wanted to shoot sequels.
+Real cumshot finishes, thankfully.
-Dire lack of direct angle footage of SHIORI TSUKADA's gargantuan butt.
-First scene's buildup is a bit too slow.
-Both actors not very hygienic (see comment in last paragraph).
Mixed Sauna Erections Spotted by Busty Amorous Women
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