Uta Kohaku Wants Your Semen
Published October 10, 2015
#Subtitled #Exclusive #ClassicJAVUta Kohaku proves her love of gokkun and semen is authentic by appearing in a title featuring hundreds of bottles of it mailed in by actual fans by RADIX.

Uta Kohaku Wants Your Semen
with English Subtitles
Read our exclusive interview with RADIX, the producers of this title!
Read an English-translated interview with UTA KOHAKU!
Japanese AV as a whole has made news in the west too many times to count. However, it's rather rare for individual titles and actresses to get the same level of attention (outside of English-language AV news sites). Exceptions have been made and today's jaw-droppingly salacious update at ZENRA is one of those gems that stand out in the most audacious of ways.
Adult video production in Japan has its unique points, but also shares similarities to the west in terms of star power: famous actresses generally will err towards safer releases. Doing 'gross' things are for amateurs and less attractive women. Once star power is reached and secured, why get your hands dirty when you can make love romantically and most important, comfortably?
Uta Kohaku never got the memo. With a career spanning about 4 years and extreme popularity achieved not too long after her debut, Uta Kohaku was known and very much in demand. What's more, she was down for nearly anything. It's rare in this industry to encounter such a charismatic and attractive actress who really has no limits. Building on this, there's one thing above all that she was known to love: semen.
As we showcased some months back via our first ever pure gokkun release, semen and Uta Kohaku are cozy bedfellows. She loves it. She really, really does. Milking it, playing with it, gargling it, blowing bubbles with it, and of course, swallowing it are all acts of cumpanionship Uta Kohaku enjoys taking part in. However, does she really have a limit to her fascination with the sexual byproduct of a gentleman who became a bit too 'happy'?
Going by today's update, UTA KOHAKU WANTS YOUR SEMEN, apparently not!
RADIX made big waves when they announced Uta's installment in their popular ACCEPTING SEMEN series. Already controversial due to its theme WHICH IS ACTUALLY NOT STAGED: fans from across Japan (and the world if you don't mind paying postage to mail your spunk across the planet!) are invited to ejaculate into plastic bottles and ship them to the RADIX HQ in Shinjuku, Tokyo. If packaged correctly, they're then frozen until the day of the shoot.
We're not medical doctors so it's hard to gauge whether this truly makes the semen safe for usage, but either way, they're used--and when we mean used, they're one by one and sometimes in pairs, doused all over Uta from early in in this messy release until the puddle-forming coitus fest that is the final scene.
UTA KOHAKU WANTS YOUR SEMEN combines heavy and hardcore sex and Fans Thanksgiving-themed play. The first portion of the release features four actual fans who personally hand her bottles of their ejaculate and are then invited to watch her masturbate using them. She lovingly reads the name of each fan before emptying it on herself. The same fans are soon invited to 'relieve' themselves and Uta is all too willing to help. And yes, these really were real fans! We called the #2 at RADIX to confirm it.
The real miasmic play takes place in the second half of the release which begins with a bedroom romance scene gone awry, There, Uta clad in thin lingerie takes the lead where she pleasures her partner. The initial play is rather tame, but soon takes a turn for gross-out city when we introduces bottles and bottles of semen that she casually pours both on her AND him. She even empties a recently thawed bottle of semen into his mouth and sucks it out with a straw before emptying it back in.
Reverse semen play was icing on the cake compared to what happens in the last hour of this lengthy 140 minute release. A light bondage scene featuring Uta Kohaku 'massaged' with bottles and bottles of her fan's spunk. Each time a bottle is introduced, she still attempts to read out the fan's name and location (which we provide English captioning for so long as we could actually make out what she said!).
What happens in the final scene makes everything leading up to it pale in comparison. Over 240 fans sent in their sperm. Each bottle did not just contain 'one attempt'. Fans squirted for days before regretfully running out of time and capping the bottle and shipping it to Tokyo.
An (lucky? unfortunate? confused?) AV actor joins the fray and goes through the motions of a sex scene. In that, this finale act of lovemaking shares similarities with the foreplay scene mentioned above. However, well over a hundred bottles of fan-blessed ejaculate are emptied on her and him during their coupling. To further accentuate how nauseating this was, RADIX opted to film them on a black leather bed leaving NOWHERE for the semen to go. By the final missionary grand prix, there was a very noticeable white/yellowish puddle beneath them.
What we would like to know is whether or not Uta Kohaku is still taking a shower after filming this production. She did retire not too long ago, but there still remains a strong possibility she has 'gifts from her fans' buried within hair follicles. Then again, soon after this release, she cut her hair rather short...
UTA KOHAKU WANTS YOUR SEMEN was a joy to subtitle and it's one of the messiest titles in recent Japanese AV history. It's certainly not for the weak of stomach and we can certainly understand some subscribers opting to skip out on this one. However, if you want to see a petite and flat-chested (and we don't mean that in a bad way!) AV star take part in something wonderfully novel, this release was made for you. RADIX has released a few other titles in the series and we may license them if we hear positive things from you all about today's update.
Please note that as of writing this ZENRA is the ONLY western AV site with legal permission to show titles by RADIX. Subtitled or not, if you see this movie posted anywhere else on a non-Japan-hosted site, then please listen to your conscience and let that link remain blue.
A Message to subscribers and also potential subscribers: this movie is labeled as an Exclusive release because this is the first official presentation of it outside of Japan. We would like to know your impressions of this production. Did you like it? Did you not? Your feedback is truly appreciated as it can help us decide the best possible Japanese adult video entertainment for you from here on out. Don't be shy and please feel free to contact us with your thoughts!
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Uta Kohaku Wants Your Semen
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