JAV Career Movement: Meguri freezes eggs, will return; Sora Kamikawa retires, bursts ass

Published : August 29th, 2020 Written by WoodOfTheRisingSun

Meguri freezes eggs, will return

Back in June I reported that popular MILF Meguri was suspending JAV filming until next year.  It turned out that I was quite wrong to link her move to the pandemic.  The reason the 31 year old busty MILF is taking six months off of filming is finally revealed: she is have her eggs extracted and frozen for future fertilization.  The actual procedure itself was performed on August 17th.  And a few days later she was still feeling the after effects.  




According to persons with knowledge, the procedure causes a woman’s reproductive system to be hyperactive with the effect is that she highly sensitive to sperms.  So having the procedure done in mid-August, it would indeed be wise to avoid sexual intercourse with JAV studs for several months, despite industry SOP of wearing a condom.  The chauvinistic mindset of Japanese men means that almost none of the professional studs have vasectomy done so even with condom, their female partners have a very high risk of pregnancy, considering a planning idol may be fucked more than 60 times each month, the probability is hugely stacked against the women.  

Back in my piece, I also cast doubt on the certainty that she would return to JAV next year.  Industry gossips now suggest that her commitment is still strong.  At her age, I would (personally speaking) suggest she should have just gone ahead and have a baby now, but she obviously wish for but feel unready at the moment.  The procedure of freezing eggs costs at least a millions yens out of pocket, that’s not counting the cost of a future fertilization and impregnation procedure.  The amount of money could have been better spent on diapers and formula powder (pffft what am I saying, do I think Meguri’s baby would not suck on those big beautiful breasts???) Anyway, you don’t come here to read my life lesson to JAV idols.  The point is Meguri spent a fortune on medical procedure, she’s not wanting to get pregnant at this time and she’s given up six months of income.  Her agency promised that she will return to JAV as soon as her recovery period is over.  

Sora Kamikawa retires with rectal fireworks

Petite body frame with petite titties isn’t my cup of milk.  So I’m not familiar with the works and career of Sora Kamikawa 上川星空 (aka 笹川そら).  But it seems she is a well known planning idol since 2018.  Back in June she announced, in a kind of low key bombshell, that she has concluded her JAV career.  

As a secondary explosion in the same tweet, she disclosed her retirement vid would be anal sex unbanning.  Well that gets my attention!!!  Actually even if she never got on my radar screen, any time a studio produces a proper retirement title, I want to check it out.  By far most JAV idols don’t get such an honor.  Especially considering some retirement videos are nothing more than just have the words pasted on the cover of a regular video.  Oh… and when is the last time Natural High produced a retirement title?  Ever?

Sora Kamikawa's video on Zenra (full English Sub and no DRM!)

Whenever Natural High does anal, the idol should be having sphincter sore for a full week.  But the studio’s blurb claims that this is not just an on-screen unbanning for little Miss Kamikawa, it’s an actual deflowering of her immaculate rectum.  Thanks to the peculiarity of Japanese censorship law, we get a good close up look at her anus which is a lovely pink color.  So for this occasion, normally sadistic Natural High is treating Sora’s ass hole with all the gentleness.  Fetish fucker Abe Tomohiro 阿部智広 gave her a slow gentle probing with his finger with plenty and frequent application of oil to minimize any discomfort.  Before, finally, he put his big hard penis into her butt hole, slowly, gently and oily.  And with that first opening out of the way, Sora Kamikawa’s farewell sex scene was a double penetration.  It’s a nice finish, but to be honest, I am more interested to watch stud and slut who know what they are doing having a robust round of anal pleasure than watch someone gingerly going thru her first opening. 

And according to the occasion of retirement video, but quite opposite to Natural High’s typical style, they made some sentimental scenes with her and make a little farewell conversation. It's heart-warming to see JAV idols get a nice respectful sent-off.  I wish Miss Sora Kamikawa peace and happiness in her post-retirement life, and to enjoy sex (and anal sex!) for her own pleasure, not just to earn a living.


silence 4 years ago
I didn't know about the rehab time frame for the egg-freezing procedure (though I did see her post about that). In terms of the money, Meguri has already talked about her investments in terms of beauty products and whatnot on her twitcast *and twitter sort of*... and when she was asked about how much money she had by a fan, she said it was secret. You can make your own assumptions about that, but it's no surprise for me that she'd spend that much on a procedure. I think for fans who've interacted with her on twitter, and twitcasts, we all feel like she'll be in JAV for the long run (like Julia and Tsubomi).
adsfasdf 4 years ago
Could you elaborate on the term "planning idol"? Are there any synonyms? This is my first time encountering the term.
ZENRA 4 years ago
'Planning idol' (actress) is just a slightly lower rank than the top. You may see them more in ensemble titles as girl #2.

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