Ten Schoolgirls Under My Control First Half
Published September 2, 2019
#Subtitled #HD #ExclusiveRambunctious Japanese schoolgirls find themselves under the control of one very lucky teacher via V&R.

Ten Schoolgirls Under My Control
Translation and Timing by ZENRA
(Continue to Second Half)
"Imagine this: you’re a high school teacher working in one of ‘those’ schools. Yes, Delinquent High full of rapscallion students who ignore your lessons and cause nothing but trouble.
Also imagine this: during one of the worst days of of your teaching career where your ire against your class full of miscreant schoolgirls reaches fever pitch, you decide enough’s enough! You focus all your mental energies into one big psychic roar that ends up causing them all to lock up! Gone are the inattentiveness, the bickering, the disrespect. In its stead, you’ve a class full of ten hyper-obedient and very cute young Japanese women willing to do whatever you want.
Mandatory nudity? Check.
Mandatory masturbation? Check again.
Mandatory naked cleaning? Triple check that.
Turning the tables on the class bully? Absolutely affirmative!
With ten schoolgirls under your control, you can do anything..."
TEN SCHOOLGIRLS UNDER MY CONTROL by V&R is one of those titles we've had licensed for a little while, but were holding off from showing until just the right time. If you're reading this when this incredible release was just added to ZENRA, then you're probably aware school season has just begun thus now's the ideal time to showcase a truly epic multi-girl educational JAV movie.
The plot is self-explanatory and while not a brand spanking new release, it still features a few active names including the uber popular MARIE KONISHI and the now lean and ultra fit TSUGUMI MUTOU. Even the 'new employee' from that GOGOS title makes an appearance with shorter hair and tanner skin as the 'good girl' in a class full of miscreants. And the final name drop belongs to MADOKA ADACHI who went from playing such a demure insurance saleswoman to sukeban #1. MADOKA playing such a role was rather surprising as I always imagined her to be very upstanding. You'll even see some truly wet and kinky play featuring her in the conclusion of the first half of TEN STUDENTS.
This is one of the best shot harem JAV titles I've ever had the pleasure to subtitle. Sure, I'm stretching the meaning of 'harem' here as only the final scene features multi-girl sex, but it's pure group antics leading up to it. What's more, this is a movie that features stark nudity from start to finish; aside from socks and ribbons, all ten schoolgirls remain in their birthday suits after the initial command to take off their clothes. If you're into health checks, abnormal classroom play, and a few surprising big butts (lookout for MAHIRO ISHIKAWA and the aforementioned TSUGUMI MUTOU), you're looking at 180 minutes of amazing--TRULY amazing--footage.
The sensei did a great job here. Having a class of so many attractive young women eager to do *anything* he says is heaven on earth. He even gets his revenge on them consistently ignoring his lessons. After all, he's just there to ensure they get an education and if that doesn't pan out, what's the harm in having unprotected sex with a few while everyone watches in the buff? Parent-teacher day may end up being somewhat awkward, but that's something he can worry about later.
I'll try not to summarize every scenario that happens in this magnum opus of a double update. V&R did extremely well here and I am saddened that they have focused on smaller cast titles as of late. Dedicated JAV fans may be aware that there are other '10 SCHOOLGIRLS UNDER MY CONTROL' titles and we will be showing a few more at least. Hopefully we can show all of them, but the infamous elevator ones would require hard-hitting editing to make them 'western appropriate'. Still, they're all on our radar and we darn well know by now big groups doing wacky things is what you love to see most in English subtitled JAV.
Full Cast List:
EMIRU, Ayumi Hodaka, Tsugumi Mutou, Marie Konishi, Sakurako Umemiya, Mahiro Ishikawa, Ria Hayasaka, Madoka Adachi, Iku Sakuragi, and Shizuka Koide
Note: V&R requires all titles licensed out to third-parties like ZENRA to retain their small and nearly transparent watermark in the top right corner of the screen. Thus we apologize for the footage containing both their logo along with ours in the bottom right. If you find recently released movies by V&R on websites without their watermark, then consider reporting the web addresses to them.
Lines of Subtitled Dialog: 1069
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Ten Schoolgirls Under My Control First Half
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